Intelectual Depth


This is a strange title, but it points to one thing that characterises my practice: I like to see philosophical ideas in the contents of our sessions.

I have been studying psychology for a long time, long before going to university. As a child, I was already fascinated by my mind and the minds of others, and I started reading psychology books as a teenager.

I have not learnt the concepts and theories as another homework assignment but as a fascinating exploration into our human condition. For that reason, as we talk, I link our conversation with multiple frames of reference, and I enjoy bringing them to the forefront and sharing some options for understanding.

This does not mean I will bring up too many things, but I like moving topics into deeper ones. I like seeing patterns and offering options to make sense of things.

I do not see it as defining, as I always have many paradigms and models in mind. I see it more like a lively conversation about the mysteries of yourself.

Some of my clients ask for more or less this type of dialogue. Some feel quite relieved that they can ask for explanations of what is happening, and I enjoy explaining the different tensions of my profession and the decisions I am(or we are) making.

I work with many neurodivergent clients, and they usually appreciate having models and explanations of the things that 'do not make sense'. I am flexible with paradigms, which means that I may use science with one, cybernetics with another, and humanities with the next.

In general, I enjoy knowledge and being able to wonder about the mysteries of being and being together.